Heavy Duty Deluxe CD Case Holds 400 Jewel Case CDs With Wheels

flight cases



This is a rugged, ATA style CD flight case with a smart ten rows design that allows you to carry 100 CD’s in jewel cases or 400 CD’s in view packs. Features include beefy, stackable ball corners, double anchor industrial rivets, recessed industrial grade latches, a spring loaded handle, premium 3/8' plywood construction and rugged casters. CD 
Case with wheels makes you convenient for CDs carrying.
*ATA 300 
*Spring action handles, 
*Low profile wheels, 
*Easy locking fit and tongue, 
*Heavy and powerful ball corners, 
*Industrial strength latches and rubber feet, 
*Dual anchor rivets, Laminated plywood, 
*Includes mounting hardware, 
*Durable sleek wheels
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